Restoration & Renewal

Spring is just around the corner. Buds are sprouting and growing fuller, while early bloomers are pushing through the leaf litter. Birds are returning from their winter journeys.

Whether your area is deep in the throes of spring or still clinging to winter's last remnants, you have the power to decide the pace of your personal renewal. You may still be recovering from the holiday season—and, perhaps, the emotional toll of the past few years of global challenges. Or maybe you're already rushing into plans for spring break, summer vacations, and all the other demands the future holds.

How quickly you experience this seasonal transformation depends on where you live. This year, though, the renewal process feels even more unpredictable than usual, with record-breaking highs and lows, unexpected snowfalls, and sleds gathering dust in places that are typically snowy wonderlands.

This is my invitation to you: be intentional. Give yourself permission to reset. It’s okay to take it slow, focusing on one small thing at a time. Pause for a moment to inhale the subtle shift from winter to spring, savoring the quiet before everything springs back to life and we can see more clearly, hear more keenly.

Take a moment to ask yourself:

·      What does rest look like, even if for five minutes?

·      What forms can renewal and restoration come in?

Now, make a plan. Put it on the calendar. Protect the sacred time allotted for rest and recovery.


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